Seminar and summer closing party!
On Friday 19 June, we gathered the talents in TILT Grow at Scenehuset in Oslo for a seminar and social gathering. Finally we could be together again!

The last time the talents met was during the very first seminar of the year on March 10, so the joy of reunion this sunny Friday afternoon is great. The talents have a lot to talk about, experiences to share and new things to learn.
Anne Ekenes welcomes with great commitment – “It is so nice to see you again!”. Being able to gather in the same room has been long awaited for both the talents and the entire team in Panta Rei Dance Theater.
In addition to the individual, artistic work that is now in full swing, the talents receive skills development within project management and breadth methodology. Pia Holden and Silje B. Lian kick off the seminar with a mini-workshop in the Panta Rei method that the talents themselves will use during TILT this autumn. Laughter, joy and creativity spread in the room as we move. It is as if the worries and challenges of recent months are disappearing with each movement. This is what we live for – to move together, and it’s nice to finally be able to get back to it.
It is still somewhat uncertain what the autumn will look like, but what is certain is that the digital media is here to stay. We must be visible there too. Anders Rohlan Småhaug and Margrethe Nandrup Rylander therefore continue to go through the PRD`s own social media guide. The talents have also prepared a home assignment before the seminar where they have been creative with the use of social media. Everyone shares what they have thought about the task and the talents are clearly inspired by each other’s work.
It is suddenly seven o’clock and after rewarding professional replenishment, we now move on to what is just as important this day – food and talk, and the opportunity to share experiences and thoughts about the special months we have been through. The talents say that there have been several challenges along the way, but that they have largely felt taken care of in the talent program and that it has been nice to have been able to maintain activity digitally.
After a good meal and good conversations, we thank you for the evening, wish each other a good summer and move on to ours. This time it is very nice to know that it will not be so long until we see each other next time.