SEMINAR - Career of an Artist


The workshop addresses topics that surround and supports artistic work, such as career development, individual motivations and plans, the smaller and wider professional context around us, the ups and downs of collaborations and questions of leadership. Deadline for registration is Monday 05.02.24.

Tilt grow 2023 photos jan 11 (1119)
foto: Neil Nisbet/Article19 Danser Oliver Sale og Aurora Itland

#Let’s talk dance: Career of an Artist

The workshop addresses topics that surround and supports artistic work, such as career development, individual motivations and plans, the smaller and wider professional context around us, the ups and downs of collaborations and questions of leadership. Some tools and best practices will be shared, and space will be given to the participants to learn from one another’s experiences. There will be short presentations, we’ll do exercises together, unfold many questions about building a long-term, sustainable artistic career.

The seminar will be held in English.


Frist for påmelding er mandag 05.02.24.
Seminaret er gratis, men har begrenset antall deltakere.

Førstemann til mølla gjelder. Meld deg på ved å sende e-post til

Sted: Dansens Hus, Foajéen
Tid: 12. februar 2024, kl 09-15


Anikó Rácz – the artistic director of SÍN Arts Centre, a Budapest-based production house. Anikó has been working with independent dance artists on their project and career development for 20 years now. She is also a certified coach and facilitator, leading workshops and trainings on career development, internationalization, collaboration and leadership internationally for Aerowaves, The European Dancehouse Network, IETM, Düsseldorf Tanzmesse and elsewhere. Anikó’s main focus of interest is the facilitation of horizontal, transparent, value-based collaborations within teams and with partners, encouraging discussions about good practices and lessons to learn in this respect.


I 2024 går TILT Grow av stabelen for syvende gang og har som formål å fremme dansefaglige prestasjoner, samt gjøre dansekunstnere mer levedyktige i et felt som er i stadig endring. I denne forbindelse arrangeres en rekke åpne seminarer for alle typer (danse)kunstnere, hvor viktige temaer belyses og dagsaktuelle saker settes på dagsorden.

TILT Grow er støttet av Talent Norge og Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.